Type:Tray Dryer | Place of Origin:India | Brand Name:SRICO |

Application :SRICODrier in Chemical, Pharmaceutical Food Dyestuff, Engineering,Sugar, Oil Mills, Plastic Industries etc.
Construction:Double walled construction with rigid frame work and having insulated withGlasswool. Fresh air inlet and suitable exhaust will be provided. The interior will be finished with heatresistant Aluminium and outside with hammertone and Black Borders.
HeatingElement:Heating is accomplished by totally enclosed strip Heaters made outof imported BDH Nichrome wire provided on the sides of the inner chamber toobtain maximum temperature.
AirCirculation:In order to obtain temperature specially designed. AirCirculation Fans are fitted on the side of the unit. The design of the fans aresuch that the unit will such the hot air to pass over the trays ands and throwit on the sides where they will be reheated, and recireulated to continue thecycle. A part of the air is come out to threw the moisture.
Control: The fan motor is controlled by a starter and theworking of the fan indicated by pilot lamps. The temperature inside the chamberis controlled by a thermostat and indicated by a Dial Thermo Meter. Anindicating pilot lamp is also provided to single working of the drier. Theheater circuit will be interlocked with the circulation fan so that the heatersare not energized with out the circulation fan being ON which in turn willprotect the heaters. Size of Trays will be 32 x 16 x 1 ¼ Material of construction may be aluminium orstainless steel. Wire mesh trays of size 32 x 16 can also be supplied. Trayscould be supplied at the extra cost noted under accessories.
SuitableTrally can be supplied at extre cost. No tralley is required for the tray drierof 12 & 24 test models. For 48 numbers. Model 1 Trolley is needed for 96numbers Trolley required.

Packaging Detail:WOODEN PACKING |
Delivery Detail:4 WEEKS |