thread bar rolling machine

thread bar rolling machine, 1)specialized in making rebar 5-10mm, 2)long lifetime & good quality & competitive price - details see:
Place of Origin:Guangdong China (Mainland)Brand Name:JINSHANModel Number:LLZ12.Cmachine type:rolling mill
use:make rebarmodel type:small&medium-sized&largeraw material:wire steel barfinal products:5-10mm deformed rebar
color:white or according toyour requirementadvantages:easy to operate&good quality&long lifetimeautomatic or not:automatic 
thread bar rolling machine
contact supplier for thread bar rolling machine

thread bar rolling machine

inlet material is hot-rolled wire steel,final product is thread bar.


The cold rolling mill is used tomaking rebar.

It is one part of the whole set of cold rolling line.

Working principle of cold rolling mill:

The cold rolling line reduces the diameter of the hot rolled wire steel bars, and makes ribs on bars by cold rolling mill.


small type (mean the inlet diameter below 10mm),

medium-sized (mean the inlet diameter below 12mm),

and large type (mean the inlet diameter below 14mm)of cold rolling mill.

After the making machines, they can at least separately get the yield strength 335MPA, 400MPA, 500MPA, get the tensile strength 455MPA, 540 MPA, 630 MPA, and they can get the elongation 17%, elongation16%, elongation15%.

Technical parameter:

ProjectTechnical parameterUnitSupplymentary details
Raw materialΦ6-12mmHot Rolled Round
Roller diameterΦ228mmSpecial-purpose alloy
Equipped with power75KWYVP200-4 variable-frequency

Variable-speed motor

Gear center distance228mmHerringbone gear
Rolling line speed3m/sspeed can be adjusted
Sheared length1-12maccording to your requirement set a certain length
Flying shear5.5KW
Product specificationΦ5-10mm

Final product---deformed bar:

The final products are two ribs deformed reinforced steel bars in line shape or in circular shape.

It would be kind if you tell me more detail information,we will prepare proper machines and competitive price.

thread bar rolling machine
Packaging Detail:Volume: 3800mm*1500mm*1600mm in the wooden case or container
Delivery Detail:30 working days after prepayment

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