SGIron,Chilled,Alloysteel Rolls
Type:Hot Rolling Mill | Place of Origin:Gujarat India | Brand Name:DEEm ROLL | SG -Iron Roll:SG |
Chilled Roll:Chilled | Alloy Steel ROlls:Alloysteel |

Dear Sir,
Deem Roll Tech Limited has been promoted by Technocrats who have been working in the Roll industry for many years. Roll production started in 2003. There are two units of Deem Roll-Tech Ltd. The first at GIDC Chhatral having an area of 4000m2. The second unit is located at Village Ganeshpura having an area of 10000 m2. Today the capacity of the plant is to manufacture 4000 MT of rolls every year. The unit manufactures Spheroidal Graphite Pearletic Cast Iron, Spheroidal Graphite Accicular Cast Iron, Alloy Steel Cast, Alloy Steel Base, Double Poured Indefinite Chilled Cast Iron, Indefinite Chilled Rolls for rolling mills.
Our customers are very reputed rolling mills in India and abroad. Our quality processes are the best in the industry and the top management is very proactive and aggressively promotes its commitment to quality. Over the last few years Deem Roll-Tech Ltd. has created its space in the market with fast deliveries and Product of international quality.
With the rapid growth in the steel industry Deem Roll-Tech Ltd. is ready to supply to the increased demand for quality rolls. Top professionals from the industry have come together to create magic in metallurgy. We are dedicated to continuous improvement of our roll performance in regard to rolling technology and processes involves in shaping of steel.
- Twin crucible 4 Ton Induction Furnace (Electrotherm)
- Single crucible 1 Ton Induction Furnace (Megatherm)
- Spectrometer 18 channels
- Heavy Duty Imported Lathes – 20 Nos.
- Norton Roll Grinder – 650m X 2000m.
- Horizontal Boring Machine 90mm & 100mm -4 Nos.
- Radial Heavy Duty Drill 50mm
- Vertical Turret lathe 1200mm
- 24” Shaper – 2 Nos.
- Assorted Tools & Tackles
- Assorted Pyrometers
- Major casting Pits
- Compressor
- Hardness Tester
- Ultra Sonic Testing M/c
- Complete wet lab for Chemical analysis 10 EOT Crane – 6 Nos.
- 10 EOT Crane – 6 Nos.
- 5” Sand Muller
- Ladles of various sizes
- Chillers / Moulds
30 MT Heat Treatment Furnace
(Bogiehearth type)

Packaging Detail:On Demand |
Delivery Detail:1-2 months |