latest cold rolling mill
cold rolling mill:, 1)high production:0.83-7.99t/hour, 2)automatic production line, 3)professional producer - details see:
Condition:New | Place of Origin:CN,China | Brand Name:JINSHAN | Model Number:LLZ12.C |
machine type:cold rolling machine | uses:make rebar | inlet diameter of wire steel:5-12mm | diameter of rebar:4-10mm |
colour:green or depend on your need |
![latest cold rolling mill](
hot sell cold rolling mill
The cold-rolled ribbed steel bar is a kind of further processing products by the cold roll forming machine and also a new efficient steel bar for construction.
The reasonable design makes the operation of this set much easier,which also create a good working environment with few noises for you.
The quality of the steel bars with ribs measured up of the standard of GB13788-2000.
The cold rolling line includes: setout,dephosphorization,lubrication,dispel the stress,H-shaped
take-lines,and two cold rolling machine,all together eight units.
Technical parameter of the cold rolling line:
Project | Technical parameter | Unit | Supplementary details |
Raw material | Φ6-12 | mm | |
Roller diameter | Φ228 | mm | Special-purpose alloy |
Equipped with power | 75 | KW | YVP200-4 variable-frequency Variable-speed motor |
Gear center distance | 228 | mm | Herringbone gear |
Rolling line speed | 1.5-2.5 | M/s | |
Cutting length | 1-12 | m | |
Flying shear | 5.5 | KW | |
Product specification | Φ5-10 | mm | |
Output | 8-45 | T/shift |
final product:
![latest cold rolling mill LLZ12.C latest cold rolling mill](
Packaging Detail:The main motor is naked,and the control machine is in the wooden carton. |
Delivery Detail:30 days |