Hrodc_ap6 Asphalt Mixing Plant, Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant; 8 Tons Per Hour Asphalt Mixing Plant

Asphalt Mixing Plant; 8 Tons Per Hour Asphalt Mixing Plant; HRODC_AP6 Asphalt Mixing Plant, Mobile - details see:
Place of Origin:London United KingdomBrand Name:HRODCModel Number:HRODC_AP6Asphalt Mixer:Moblie Asphalt Mixing Plant
Hrodc_ap6 Asphalt Mixing Plant, Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant; 8 Tons Per Hour Asphalt Mixing Plant
contact supplier for Hrodc_ap6 Asphalt Mixing Plant, Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant; 8 Tons Per Hour Asphalt Mixing Plant

Mobile Asphalt Plant; HRODC_AP6 Asphalt Mixing Plant, Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant; 8 Tons Per Hour Asphalt Mixing Plant Contains Rated productivity: 8tph, Suitable material: bitumen, aggregate, Feeder hopper capacity: 400kg, Main power: oil burner 23kW, coal burner 39kW, Adjustable, Product temperature control from 120~165°C, Burner: oil, or coal and oil, Computer Control system: PLC Control, auto/manual control system, electronic cabinet and control panel, touch screen control.

HRODC_AP6 8 Tons Per Hour Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant Technical SpecificationRated

Speed: 8tph; Suitable material: bitumen, aggregate; Feeder hopper capacity: 400kg; Main power: oil burner 23kW, coal burner 39kW; Product temperature:120~165°C, adjustable; Burner: oil, or coal and oil; Control system: PLC, auto/manual, electronic cabinet and control panel, touch screen. HRODC_AP6 8 Tons Per Hour Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant

HRODC_AP6 8 Tons Per Hour Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant iis available in Afghanistan, Kabul, Albania, Tirane, Algeria, Algiers, Andorra, Andorra la Vella, Angola, Luanda, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint John's, Argentina,, Buenos Aires, Armenia, Yerevan, Australia, Canberra, Austria, Vienna, Azerbaijan, Baku, The Bahamas, Nassau, Bahrain, Manama, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Barbados, Bridgetown, Belarus, Minsk, Belgium, Brussels, Belize, Belmopan, Benin, Sarajevo, Botswana, Gaborone, Brazil, Brasilia, Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan, Bulgaria, Sofia, Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Burundi, Bujumbura, Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cameroon, Yaounde, Canada, Ottawa, Cape Verde, Praia, Central, China, Beijing, Colombia, Bogota, Comoros, Moroni Congo, Republic of the, Brazzaville, Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Kinshasa, Costa Rica, San Jose, Cote d'Ivoire, Yamoussoukro, Abidjan, Croatia, Zagreb, Cuba, Havana, Cyprus, Nicosia, Czech Republic, Prague, Denmark, Copenhagen, Djibouti, Djibouti, Dominica, Roseau, Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, East Timor, Dili, Ecuador, Quito, Egypt, Cairo, El Salvador, San Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Malabo, Eritrea, Asmara, Estonia, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Fiji, Suva, Finland, Helsinki, France, Paris, Gabon, Libreville, The Gambia, Banjul, Georgia, Tbilisi, Germany, Berlin, Ghana, Accra, Greece, Athens, Grenada, Saint George's, Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guinea, Conakry, Guinea Bissau, Bissau, Guyana, Georgetown, Haiti, Port au Prince, Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Hungary, Budapest, Iceland, Reykjavik, India, New Delhi, Indonesia, Jakarta, Iran, Tehran, Iraq, Baghdad, Ireland, Dublin, Israel, Jerusalem, Italy, Rome, Jamaica, Kingston, Japan, Tokyo, Jordan, Amman, Kazakhstan, Astana, Kenya, Nairobi, Kiribati, Tarawa, Korea, North, Pyongyang, Korea, South, Seoul, Kuwait, Kuwait City, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Laos, Vientiane, Latvia, Riga, Lebanon, Beirut, Lesotho, Maseru, Liberia, Monrovia, Libya, Tripoli, Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Lithuania, Vilnius, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Skopje, Madagascar, Antananarivo, Malawi, Lilongwe, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Maldives, Male, Mali, Bamako, Malta, Valletta, Marshall Islands, Majuro, Mauritania, Nouakchott, Mauritius, Port Louis, Mexico, Mexico City, Federated States of Micronesia, Palikir, Moldova, Chisinau, Monaco, Monaco, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Montenegro, Podgorica, Morocco, Rabat, Mozambique, Maputo, Myanmar (Burma), Rangoon but moving to Pyinmana, Namibia, Windhoek, Nauru, no official capital, government offices in Yaren District, Nepal, Kathmandu, Netherlands, Amsterdam, New Zealand, Wellington, Nicaragua, Managua, Niger, Niamey, Nigeria, Abuja, Norway, Oslo, Oman, Muscat, Pakistan, Islamabad, Palau, Koror, Panama, Panama City, Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, Paraguay, Asuncion, Peru, Lima, Philippines, Manila, Poland, Warsaw, Portugal, Lisbon, Qatar, Doha, Romania, Bucharest, Russia, Moscow, Rwanda, Kigali, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Basseterre, Saint Lucia, Castries, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Kingstown, Samoa, Apia, San Marino, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Senegal, Dakar, Serbia, Belgrade, Seychelles, Victoria, Sierra Leone, Freetown, Singapore, Singapore, Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Solomon Islands, Honiara, Somalia, Mogadishu, South Africa, Pretoria (administrative) Cape Town (legislative) Bloemfontein (judiciary), Spain, Madrid, Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sudan, Khartoum, Suriname, Paramaribo, Swaziland, Mbabana, Sweden, Stockholm, Switzerland, Bern, Syria, Damascus, Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tanzania, Dar es alaam, Thailand, Bangkok, Togo, Lome, Tonga, Nuku'alofa, Trinidad and Tobago, Port,of Spain, Tunisia, Tunis, Turkey, Ankara, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Tuvalu, Funafuti, Uganda, Kampala, Ukraine, Kyiv, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, United Kingdom, London, United States, Washington D.C, Uruguay, Montevideo, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Vanuatu, Port Vila, Vatican City (Holy See), Vatican City, Venezuela, Caracas, Vietnam, Hanoi, Yemen, Sanaa, Zambia, Lusaka, Zimbabwe, Harare

Hrodc_ap6 Asphalt Mixing Plant, Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant; 8 Tons Per Hour Asphalt Mixing Plant
Packaging Detail:1 Twenty Foot Container
Delivery Detail:4 weeks

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