hot sell high profit rebar cold rolling machine

rebar rolling machine, 1)make different specification rebar, 2)materials:hot rolled wire steel rods, 3)output:rebar 5-12mm - details see:
Place of Origin:Henan China (Mainland)Brand Name:JINSHANModel Number:LLZ14.Cmachine type:rolling machine
raw material:wire steelfinal product:rebarthe inlet diameter of wire steel:6-14mm wire steelthe diameter of final product:5-12mm rebar
rolling line speed:max3m/s and can be adjustedcolor:green or according to the client requestautomatic or not:automatic 
hot sell high profit rebar cold rolling machine
contact supplier for hot sell high profit rebar cold rolling machine

latest 2 roller rebar rolling machine


this kind of 2 roller rolling machine is used tomaking different specification rebar.

working principle of cold rolling mill:

First reduces the diameter of the hot rolled wire steel bars, and then makes ribs on bars by cold rolling machine.


There are three types :

small type (mean the inlet material below10mm) ,

medium-sized (mean the inlet material belowΦ12mm),

large type (mean the inlet material belowΦ14mm)of cold rolling mills.

the technical parameter of cold rolling mill:

ProjectTechnical parameterUnitSupplementary details
Raw materialdiameter 6-14mm
Roller diameterΦ228mmSpecial-purpose alloy
Equipped with power75KWYVP200-4 variable-frequency

Variable-speed motor

Gear center distance228mmHerringbone gear
Rolling line speedmax3M/s
Sheared length1-12m
Flying shear5.5KW
Product specificationdiameter 5-12mm

The final product are 2 ribbed or 3 ribbed deformed steel bar in circular shape or in line shape.

This set of machine is automatic, only need two or three man, one is to control the synthetically control panel, the second is to weld steel coil and bundle the final productions.

Do you have requirement about rolling line speed, power?

They all related to the efficiency and output you want. It would be kind if you tell me more detail information.The more information you give ,We will prepare proper machine for you.

hot sell high profit rebar cold rolling machine
Packaging Detail:3800mm*1500mm*1600mm,in the wooden case
Delivery Detail:within 30 days after receiving your order

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