atlas copco air-intake valve Intake valve service kits series DSC01309 Valve Series Intake valve NEW!
Place of Origin:China (Mainland) | Brand Name:ATLAS COPCOI | Model Number:Hoerbiger KWTVFT3/4 | Type:Other |

solenoid valve
high quality solenoid valve
Body material: brass solenoid valve
electromagnetic valve
loading valve
Hydraulic Solenoid Valve
solenoid valve for air compressor
solenoid valve
2,medium:air ,water oil.
4.pipe size:1/8"---2
Solenoid Valve normally closed / open
Solenoid Valve for air compressor
Solenoid Valve for atlas copco
solenoid valve are in various types and high quality and performance, easy to maintain and operate.
Solenoid valve is controlled by micro-electrical signals. It is small in size,large flow,beautiful appearance,superior performance,change tropism is good and has a long life.It can be integrated installation, adapted to the field of mechanical and electrical integration.There are a variety of specifications available for selection.
solenoid valve features:
1) Wide applications, suitable for various kinds of gases and liquids
2) State-of Arts design and compact construction
3) Reliable service and high sensitivity
4) It can work normally even when the working differential pressure is close to zero
solenoid valveSpecifications:
Dongguan City Jiubei Compressor Parts Co., Ltd. is professional manufacturer and supplier of screw air compressors replacement parts with high quality, small MOQ and competitive price,
Range: Atlas copco, Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, GHH, Rodcamp, Compair, Hitachi, Fusheng, HOERBIGER and many more brand parts.
Product including:
Mechanical Seal
Temperature Sensor
Pressure Sensor
Solenoid Valve
Thermostatic Valve
Air intake Valve
Proportional valve
Wheel Gear
Minimum Pressure Valve
Oil Level Indicator
Drain Valve
Master Controller
Preventive Maintenance Kits
Common Easily Worn Components Series
Sticking on the principle of Super quality, satisfactory service, we are striving hard to build the most complete variety platform of screw air compressors spares parts in China.
2901009700 1089057578 1089057528 2903087100 2906009400
2901007200 2901021800 2901139900 2901021800
1092022933/1092022934 1622005500/1622005600
2901021702 2901021700 574991114 1622001500/1091161300
1613987500 1619756000 1622-7064-01/1619-7330-00
1613087200 1613740700 1613740800 1613900100
1613688500/2903101501 1089057441 1089057440
2901029850/1613900800 1612386900 1613750200 1622007900 1613243300 1613688000 1613839700 1613730600 1613800700 1613955900 1614642300
1614905400 1614704800 1614952100 1622007900 1613610500
2901044800 290102990029010076002901146300290102110029011622002901000201 290605630029010503002901050301290100770029010212002906009300 290608700029010217002901021701290100720029011084002906009400 290100060029010997002901021800290114530029060095002906020100 290600910016197560001202586902161973330016197596002901145300 290114540016223759802906009600290103010029010845002901021900 108905752010890575781089057573108905755110890575041089062110 1089062114 1089062104 1089050506 2906057100 2906057200 2906059100 2903101501 2903101601 2903101701 1614873800 1614873900 2901024600 2901009700 2901009800 2906056600 2906056700 2906009900 2906010000 2906010100 2906020300 2906020400 2906020500 2906057800 2904007000 2904107400 2904006100 1613913900 1622089500 1622001500 1092015400 1622315400 1092020200 1622660800 1621875000 1621574399 1089057533 1089057529 1089057578 1089057507 1089057534 2906904100 2906904200 2906902900 2906903100 2906907700 1621875099 2906905800 1612386900 1613692100 1613750300 1089057533 1089057564 1089057544 1089057535 1089057578 1089057528 1089057574 1089057534 1089057526 1089057511 1089057521 1089057565 1089057541 1089057551 1089057524 1089057520 1089057404 1089057549 1089057507 1089057440 1089057405 1089057400 1089057401 1622311044 1622311023 1622311024 1622311035 1622311036 1622311025 1622311026 1612386900 1613750200 2901034300 2901146300 2901145300 2906056300 2901029850 1622375980 2906009300 2906009500 2901000201 1614873800 1614973900 1622007900 1613243300 1613688000 2901021300 1613839700 2901056600 1613730600 2901007000 1613800700 2901043200 1613955900 1613984000 1614642300 2906009800 1614905400 2906056400 1614905600 1614642300 1614704800 2906020200 1614952100 2906058800 1622007900 1613872000 1619126900 1613872000 1613740700 1613740800 2901043100 1613950100 1603950300 1030097900 1089057573 1613678300 1614915500 1619756000 2901007400 2901021100 2901029850 2906009300 2906020100 2906059100 3906570962 1089057404 1089057520 1089057551 1089057578 1614942900 2205414002 2252547800 2901000201 2901006800 2901007200 2901007700 2901021701 2901021702 2901021800 2901044800 2901050300 2901074900 2901108400 2901145300 2901146300 2901162200 2904006100 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1613610590 1613610500 1614727399 1089057403 1089057406 1089057402 1089057455 1089057470 1089057520 1089057551 1089057407 1089057449 1089057565 1089057573 1089057503 1089057400 1089057401 1089057402 1089057403 1089057404 1089057405 1089057435 1089057407 1089057440 1089057441 1089057449 1089057470 1089057574 1089057554 1089057544 1089057524 1089057565 1089057535 1089057503 1089057513 1089057523 1089057533 1089057573 1089057500 1089057510 1089057520 1089057530 1089057541 1089057511 1089057551 1089057528 1089057578 1089057526 1613689701 1613804400 1613804402 1622066200 1622066202 1089062104 1089070209 1089062119 1089062100 1089062140 1089062110 1089050506 1089062114 1089062113 1089042821 1089039226 1089039225 1900070004 1900070005 1900070006 1900070007 1900070008 1900071102 1900071101 1900071103 1900071002 1900071001 1900071012 1900071011 1900071281 1900071031 1900071041 1900071071 1900071292 1089057551 1089057578 1089057573 1089057541 1089057528 1089057533 1089057565 1089057574 1089057535 1089057544 1089057564 0574823530 1614873800 1614954000 2901107600 2906056500 0070600205 0147136403 0147140303 0147141703 1030097900 1089036250 1089039743 1089057449 1089057404 1089057407 1089057449 1089057520 1089057528 1089057533 1089057551 1089057565 1089057573 1089059021 1089062110 1089062114 1089921432 1089921433 1089057520 1089057578 1091600600 109161330002 1622001500 1091613300 1202574900 1202641400 1202804000 2252548700 2254735709 2901000000 2901001500 2901004501 2901007200 2901007400 2901007700 2901021300 2901021800 2901032600 2901034300 2901041600 2901043100 2901043200 2901044800 2901052200 2901052300 2901056602 2901074900 2901075000 2901077900 2901084001 2901085800 2901099900 2901101200 2901085800 2903087100 2903200102

Packaging Detail:individual packing then in export standard carton |
Delivery Detail:1 to 2 working days |