Air Filter
Place of Origin:Canada | Brand Name:APC FILTERS |

Our cabin air filters are designed for off road vehicle applications. The majority of systems we design consist of three filters; a prefilter, a primary filter and a carbon filter.
Prefilters are panel and/or radial design and use a variety of filter medias including foam, pleated paper, washable or disposable media.
Primary filters are panel and/or radial in design and use a variety of filter medias to meet ASHREA, HEPA or ULPA filtration efficiencies that meet you filtration and pressure drop.
Using 95% polypropylene, 99.97% HEPA or 99.999% UlLPA, we'll design and manufacture filters specific to your application.
Gas Phase adsorption is accomplished through the use of GAC, extruded block or pleated carbon medias.
Our carbon filters are panel or radial designed to marry with the prefilter or primary filter.

Packaging Detail:Per your needs |
Delivery Detail:Per your needs |